Advanced Investigations

Connecticut Corporate & Retail Security Camera System Installation

Security Camera Systems

Security Camera System Services for Businesses in Connecticut

If you are a business owner, you have probably felt some sense of uneasiness in security at one point. No matter where your business is located or how secure your alarm system may be, you can never be too prepared against break-ins and vandalism. A security camera system is the answer to your business’s loss prevention needs. Additionally, no matter how trustworthy and dependant employees can be, you can never be too safe when it comes to your business and protecting it. To discuss your business’ security camera system needs, contact Advanced Investigations today.

Protecting Your Business From External Threats With A Security Camera System

Security camera systems prevent several threats to businesses including theft, vandalism, employee punctuality, and employee productivity. Cameras can prevent your business from becoming the target of burglaries, shoplifting, theft, as well as other crimes that come from inside and outside sources. With the hustle and bustle of a business, and so many people coming in and out, your business can become an easy target for crimes and criminals. When your money, time, and resources have been put into your business, security measures must be taken.

The second most common location for burglary, theft, and robbery to occur is within businesses. Break-ins can be a threat to any business, no matter how big or small. One study revealed that even just one burglary or theft can cause approximately $8,000 in out-of-pocket expenses. Break-ins can not only cause financial loss but can instill a sense of insecurity and lack of safety in a business environment. Other crimes such as vandalism can pose threats to the safety and security of a business. Unfortunately, it is just not enough to lock the doors behind you at the end of the day. However, criminals often do discriminate against breaking into or vandalizing businesses that have alarm systems and camera systems. Cameras can not only deter criminals from breaking in when they are seen but makes it easier to catch the criminals and prove the crime if it does occur.

Crimes Within a Business

Businesses are also vulnerable to crimes that occur within. According to Statistic Brain, theft in the workplace is the result of billions of dollars lost annually in the United States. Theft and other crimes can go unnoticed and undetected when they are committed within the workplace. This can be even more threatening than theft committed by complete strangers because it can be done by those who were trusted. While business owners are working away in their offices, traveling to meet clients, making phone calls, or even walking through the office, crime can be occurring right under their noses.

Nothing is worse than finding out that a trusted colleague, co-worker, or employee has been stealing or embezzling money that belongs to your business. Just a quick internet search can reveal the many horror stories of companies getting ripped-off and long-time employees getting away with stealing for too long. You do not want your company to be added to that list. With safeguards in place such as camera security systems and monitoring security cameras, businesses can ensure that if a crime is taking place within, it can be ended and proved.

Checks and Balances For Businesses

Criminal activity aside, checks and balances within a business can improve or detect a lack of productivity and punctuality. So much money can be lost to ongoing employee laziness and tardiness. Help ensure that your business is filled with not only talented, innovative, and trustworthy employees, but also employees who are diligent, productive, and on time to work. Further, any inappropriate behavior or disputing among employees can be detected and addressed with ease. Unexpected events such as an employee claiming sexual harassment or a dispute between two employees can be investigated quickly and addressed appropriately.

Some business owners may be hesitant about the thought of having cameras watching, however, cameras can help employees and owners feel safe and secure. Businesses that have parking lots or parking garages can be safer with constant surveillance. If your business is one that has a constant flow of clients and customers, cameras can help ensure that they are safe and feel protected.

Contact Advanced Investigations

Advanced Investigations can provide you and your business with camera security systems as well as other loss prevention services such as alarm installation, secret shoppers, undercover employees, background searches, GPS tracking on company vehicles, and hidden cameras. If you feel that your business is at risk for burglary, theft, shoplifting, employee disputes, lack of productivity or punctuality, it is time to get the safety and security of camera systems. Contact Advanced Investigations today to learn what we can do for your business.

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